Tag Archives: dreamhack

3 Reasons Why You Should Be Watching Dreamhack Austin This Weekend


Hey everyone,

Sorry I haven’t been updating this as much as I would like to. A large reason why I have stopped blogging once a month as planned was because I picked up streaming on a consistent basis. As such, I usually ventilate for hours on a nightly basis. This consumes my creative free time and I’m too busy or exhausted to sit down and jot down notes.

My apologies.

Now the reason I broke my blog silence is because I feel particularly moved to talk about a time-sensitive topic.

Too often I find that even me, Frodan, who has fully immersed himself in the world of cardslinging, knee-slapping action of Hearthstone, has too often had to ask basic questions such as:

  • What are the important events in the Hearthstone scene?
  • When are they happening?
  • Who is playing in it?
  • Why should I care?

This is the reason I’m making this post to explain why you and everyone who is within earshot distance of Ben Brode’s laugh (read: every human being on the planet) should be watching Dreamhack Austin this weekend from May 6 – 8th.

Continue reading

Front Row Seats: Frodan’s 2015 Seriously Long Megablog

The Best Year Of My Life

2015 is old news as we’re more than a full week into the new year.  I took a very nice vacation and time away from the computer (but not my iPad, still had to hit legend!) so I apologize for not getting this out in a timely manner.

The eSports industry moves at a breakneck pace. Heck, any part of adult life tends to go at a blinding speed compared to when you’re stuck in school counting down the minutes until class is dismissed. But when you’re bombarded with event after event, it’s hard to digest it all and process wtf did we actually see this year.


Linkin Park closing BlizzCon 2015!

In light of GosuGamer faithfully following the scene and handing out their yearly awards, I too wanted to do like a 2015 Frodan awards of “Best Player” and “Best Team”. However, I feel like it’s redundant to pick the obvious choices like G2/Nihilum, even though all their recognition this year is desreved. Nor do I find it particularly interesting to redundantly discuss things that you can find out yourself with a bit of Liquipedia research and reddit browsing.

Instead, I’m just gonna write down random stories of the year, reminisce about my favorite moments, games, conversations, and other things.

Warning: This blog ended up getting massively long (4k+ words). At this point, I’ve sunk so much time into it that I won’t be doing much editing. Sorry! Continue reading